Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good bye Michael Jackson... Hello Madison!

So after dinner I sent the kids upstairs so I could clean up. Mike has a complex with Skyler dressing up in Madison's dress up clothes so we have been having him pick out the stuff for her to wear and then dress her up. He seems to like doing it and she actually allows him to do it. ( For now, at least)

So about 10 mins later they come down and she looks like this ------>

I asked skyler what she was and he said the person on the magazine we got in the mail the other day. I was curious, so I had him find it to show me, and sure enough it was Michael Jackson. Skyler dressed madison up as Michael Jackson. The sad part is I can see the resemblence and she pulls it off just fine!

These moments make me love having kids!

This reminded me of one of my favorite pics I have of Madison, its actually a poorly taken picture, the lighting is bad, its blurry etc.. But all you see is Madison dressed up as a little tiny angel standing in front of a big front door while we were trick of treating last year. In my mind I remember how terribly bad behaved she was that night, but to anyone looking at this pic, they would think she was that little tiny angel she was dressed up as.

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